Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Pregnancy Journey

It was May 6, 2012 when we found out that I was pregnant, almost 6 months after our wedding. I was in Singapore then, as my husband works there and he got me a dependent pass after we get married.
Like other newly wed, a baby is such a big blessing and surprise especially to our family who can't wait but to see another member of our clan.

Test Done and it is Positive! We're having a baby!
Pregnancy is really an exciting event in a woman's life. All the changes in you, physically and emotionally really made a roller coaster journey. But seeing your baby at the first time during your 1st ultra sound was really a heartfelt moment. Me and my husband are teary-eyed when we first saw even he is still undeveloped and doesn't really look like a complete human that time.
my baby at 12 weeks
During my first trimester, I experienced what they call "morning sickness", though my vomiting phase happened after dinner. I experienced a terrible vomiting when you just don't like to eat anymore because you're afraid that you'll vomit again. I remembered that my relief after vomiting back then are candies like skittles and mentos. I know when you are pregnant you should avoid eating too much sweets, but I'm sorry because that was the only thing that made me happy after my throwing-up. 

Drinking milk is one of the essentials in a pregnant's diet. But as for me who really had a hard time drinking milk even when I was a child, it was a sacrifice! At first, my husband bought me Enfamama (nutirtional milk supplement for pregnant women) but I can't take it, because I'll end up throwing-up. When we got back here in the Philippines, my OB/GYN referred me Enfamama Choco Flavor, but the I still vomit whenever  drink it.
Then, we tried Anmum Choco flavor and thank God, the vomiting never happened again.

Part of my diet was more fruits and veggies. And being a coffee-lover, that was one of what I considered my struggle during the pregnancy. But I just thought that it's only a nine-months sacrifice, but honestly I had some cups during the entire pregnancy stage but that was on the last trimester if I remember it correct. 

They said that when you look pretty when you are pregnant, the baby might be a girl but when your not so, it might be a boy. During my pregnancy, everybody is telling me that my baby might be a girl, because of how do I look, my tummy's shape, that I didn't have pimples or my neck was not really dark like any other pregnant. But everybody's hint were wrong when we found out the gender last Sept 8, 2012. And my husband is very happy that he had a drinking session with his friends when he found out that we;re having a boy!
my baby boy at 21 weeks

One of the best thing that helped me during my pregnancy is the http://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy.That site really gave me great infos on pregnancy and guided me on my journey. It has photos and videos on developments of your baby every week and it made me feel more exciting as I am seeing how he developed with those tools. I definitely recommend this site to every woman who's planning to get pregnant, already pregnant and delivered their babies because of every info that really guide you in your journey.
A pregnancy journal from OB/GYN in Singapore is one of my favorite handbook because of the brief and informative data that was divided on every stages of pregnancy plus it has a part on "Daddy know-how" that I asked my husband to read.
As I get excited to see my baby boy, I composed a poem for him. And here it goes....
And like any other mom-to-be, shopping baby's stuff is one of my favorite part. I will post a separate article on my preps made for my baby's stuff. It became really overwhelming as I saw many cute baby stuff whenever I visit malls and all I wanna do is to grab everything at my shopping cart! Funny, but I know all first-time mom-to-be's really had a hard time choosing their babies stuff as you want all the best for your precious ones!

The nine-month journey was really a long time for me as I was a stay-at-home mom-to-be and with that I really had more time to do every preparations before my baby arrived. I even made some DIY projects just to cut the boredom waiting for my due. I'll post one of DIY projects that I made when I was pregnant.

How I wish I had the chance and time to do a blog during my pregnancy as I will really put into words all my experiences, but I promise I will on my next pregnancy!

Here are my photos during my pregnancy. I'll create new post of the big day - when my baby arrived!


  1. Hello, Melissa. Congrats for having a blog of your own :) Please continue sharing stories of you and JZ :) God bless!

    1. Thanks! Being an FTM and SAHM at the same time is a hectic yet happy one. But lately I realized that you can still do things apart from mommy tasks and house chores that can help you grow as individual and also help others to be inspired also. More stories to be shared! God bless also!

  2. infertility for easy Conception. (No more adoption, with Dr Itua your problem will solve and you will have your child with ease.I have been blog Sites for a while now and today i felt like i should share my story because i was a victim too. I had endometriosis for 18 years and i never thought i would ever get a cure due to the terrible symptoms i had and this made it impossible for me to get pregnant even after 12 years of marriage and it was a serious issue. I got to know about Dr. Itua on Blog Site who treated someone and the person shared a story of how she got a cure and let her contact details, i contacted Dr. Itua and he actually confirmed it and i decided to give a try too and use his herbal medicine that was how my burden ended completely. My son will be 2 this december and also I was suffering from brain cancer which I also explain to Dr Itua so he prepared herbal medicine for me which I drank for two weeks to cure my brian cancer so if you are suffering from any kind of diseases you can contact Dr Itua herbal center to get your cure successfully, i am grateful to God and thankful to his medicine too.Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes,Epilepsy, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetes,Fibroid, Lupus, ALS, HPV, Erectile dysfunction, Menstrual Cramp, Get Your Ex Back, If you have (A just reach his on (drituaherbalcenter@gmail. com Or Whatsapp Number..+2348149277967)He can also advise you on how to handle some marital issues.
