Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Baby's Milestones on his 1st year!

Every parent is thrilled with their baby's firsts....first smile, first laugh, first crawl, etc. And like any other parents, it was priceless for me as a first-time mom to see my baby's milestones. 

Here I am going to share my baby's milestone on his 1st year in this world!

His first smile was when he was only 6 weeks old, although some says baby normally start to smile when they are at least 8 weeks old. Maybe, my baby JZ is just really a jolly one!
It's heavenly! That's what I can describe when I saw it!
first smile
Tummy time is a part of my baby's routine esp in his first months. And when he was 4 months old, we started to see him roll many times and even at night I even woke up and just saw him busy practicing.

first to roll over

And like any other parents, we are excited to see our babies play with their toys. This is the first time for JZ to grab his toys - Elmo (gift from his daddy) and inch worm (gift from his ninang Mia).
He was 5 mos old then.
first time to grab his toys
I love to hug my baby and it's a great reward when he hug me back. That's why it was a heartfelt moment when he first hug me when he was 5 months old.
As he grows fast, he developed different skills that made me a proud mom. When he was 6 month old, he started to hold his teether  and loved to play peekaboo!

Starting solids is one of the most exciting part for me as a mom! That's why I tried to make home made baby foods for him. This is one of his picture eating solids (squash puree) and he really loved it! Apple puree, mashed banana, mashed potato and carrot puree are also his favorites!
first to ate solid @ 6 mos old
When he was also on his 6th month old, he started to sit on his own. 
I love this picture as he sat and smiled with matching pout!
first time to sit alone

Some babies skipped crawling stage and started to stand but my baby really loves to crawl. 
He started crawling when he was 7 months old. 
He wears the traditional flats (lampin) in this picture as he crawls on top of our bed!
first time to crawl

On his 8th month, he was very active as he loved playing more than sleeping and drinking milk.

He also pulled himself to his crib and attempt to stand at 8 months!
pulling himself in standing position

He had his first teeth (lower central incisors, right & left) when he was 9 month old. 
See how he shows his teeth on this picture!
And when he was 10 months, he started to stand on his own and take few steps with the help of this awesome walker (gift from his daddy's office mate)

When he reached his 1st birthday, he started to wave bye bye and clap his hands.

Now, he's almost 15 month old...he walks alone and even run fast though sometimes he stumble.
He loves taking step up stairs and  to say "Mimi" (referring to me - his mommy) and "Didi" (referring to his daddy). 

There are many exciting developments to look forward to as he begins his toddler years.
Hope we can share those moments too!

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