Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Baby's Checklist and Tips on Making your Own

When I was pregnant, I was a regular visitor of Baby Company section at SM Dept Store. I remember, if I'm not canvassing for baby stuff, I just watch all those cute stuff displays that makes me a happy pregnant!And because I was a regular visitor many salesman/woman knows me and even have chitchats on me whenever I visit the store. I really want to buy baby stuff as early as my 2nd trimester, but I preferred to wait until we find out the gender so I can buy appropriate color stuffs for my baby. But IMO, if you can't help and you're too excited to go shopping, you can still pick neutral colors so it will not be a problem if you'll be having a boy or a girl.

I know that every pregnant asks their selves on what should I really buy for my baby. As for me, I surf the net and do my own baby checklist. Here below is my reference on doing my baby checklist. I love this checklist because it is categorized and have the number of items that you need to buy. Although, I did not include some optional items listed. I did my baby checklist in excel form so I can also include the price that I canvassed and make notes on the stuff that we already have from my nephew and friends.

 If above checklist is overwhelming, here I found an essential checklist that you might consider. I think this checklist is brief yet complete that may not be overwhelming to pregnant women. In my experience, I regret of buying some stuff that are not really that important because somehow that money might be spend on other essentials for my baby or for my hospital expense. So if you're looking for a simple and brief checklist you can make this as your own reference.

Because I've been there with all the emotions of excitement and confusions brought by baby stuff shopping. Here is my tips for those pregnant who's planning on their baby's checklist. 

  1. Make your own checklist. You can surf the net or even ask for your mother, sisters or friends who were already moms (they can be a reliable source as they experienced the same thing). You can have an essential list or have a long list with the optional stuff depending on your preference.
  2. Consider your budget. Having a baby is a blessing but don't get me wrong it requires a budget that you need to prepare. You and your husband should consider first the budget for your hospital expenses (better to consider C-section expense because you'll never know if you'll have a normal delivery or not), second to that is your budget for baby stuff. Practically, I advise to buy the essentials firsts, because you can always have the chance to buy for other stuff when your baby arrive.
  3. Take advantage on Sales/Discounts. Because I am price-conscious, (maybe because I worked as a Buyer years ago), I always took advantage of the Sales and Discounts, esp when I bought my baby stuffs. But I advise not to buy items just because it is sale.
  4. Stick on your checklist. I know it is really hard to resist those cute stuff display on the baby section esp when they are on sale, but still consider if your baby really needs it or not esp when your budget constraint.
  5. Consider second-hand stuff. If this is your first pregnancy, I bet all you want for your baby are brand new stuff. But there are other optional items that you can bought second-hand or you can acquire for free. Like strollers, walker, some blankets or even flat diapers that your nephew or friend's baby used. As for my baby, we had many items that we're given by my sister and my husband's friends like flat diapers, blankets, clothes, shoes, night lamp, etc.
  6. Don't shop first before your baby shower. If you will be having a baby shower, I bet you'll receive different baby stuff from your friends so wait for it because you might be having the same thing that you bought. 
  7. Always think of your baby's safety. You need to be very careful on selecting products esp the feeding items, crib/cots and travelling items (stroller,car seat, walker, carrier) because these items requires good quality compare to other stuff.
I hope this help you in one of your preparations of being a mom! 
Enjoy your shopping for your precious ones!

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